our services

We Offer the Best Experience to Fit Your Specific Needs

DCI is dedicated to assisting organizations across all industries in the creation, design, distribution, advancement and ultimately acceptance of digital badge credentials.


Our Partners

We pride ourselves

We offer the best experience to fit your specific needs

Below you will find a Menu of options for you to choose from to meet your programmatic goals.  Generally, we set up an initial contract for one (1) year to allow for best optimization of our resources.





Madison College’s Digital Credentials Institute has compiled years of best practices when it comes to designing digital credentialing programs.  Our consultants will apply these best practices to help customize a program that is unique to your organizational and programmatic goals.

Building a solid foundation will help make sure your program is both scalable and sustainable far into the future.

We will work with the software provider of your choice, and/or help you determine the best solution for your needs.


Badge Image Design

Badge Image Design

Badge Image Design

The image of your digital badge is almost as important as the credential earned.  It must represent you and your brand standards first and foremost. The DCI in-house graphic designer can develop a line of digital badge images utilizing your organizational brand standards.  

The images will be designed so that creating new images (for each new badge) will require modifying only a few key elements so as not to create a bottleneck in new badge creation.  We can also provide best practices to your graphic designer of choice to build your own imagery.


Badge  Administration

Badge Administration

DigitalCredential Administration

Not all organizations have the personnel or the time available to take on the day-to-day tasks of administering a digital credentialing database.

At the Digital Credentials Institute, we can take on that role for you.  From 6 months to 6 years, we are equipped to manage the daily responsibilities to make your digital credentialing program run seamlessly, so you don’t have to.


Badge Hosting

Badge Hosting

Badge Hosting

We understand the importance of providing credentials for training that takes place within your organization.  However, the annual cost to create and maintain this digital badge database can be a financial burden.

Our Digital Credential Affiliate option allows us to provide you with your own digital credentials only when you need them. No worry on your end with maintaining annual fees, personnel and time.  We will host your digital badges, administer them for you and even create the imagery if needed.


What they're saying

Take a look at what our clients have to say about our services

For our digital badge implementation, we chose Lesley Voigt from the Digital Credentials Institute at Madison College and I cannot recommend her highly enough. She and her team managed everything from badge design to the back-end technology set-up, and made things so simple and seamless for us that I kept telling her I felt we must be forgetting something!!!

Michelle Coleman

Senior Brand and Marketing Manager


OET Australia

Our expertise guide you

We work with you to provide a path towards solutions that meet your unique needs

Capitalize on our experience and hard won expertise to help guide you around the potential pitfalls to help you, or create for you, a successful, sustainable, custom digital credentialing program that will meet your needs.

From Webinars to Workshops

From Webinars to on-site visits, we are able to work with your team to brainstorm how digital credentials can elevate and enhance your programming initiatives.  Site visits will be customized to meet the needs of your specific campus goals.

Providing Optimized Solutions

Create/issue badges within your organization without the expense of purchasing or stress and start-up time of administering a badging platform. Utilizing our staff and expertise, we will administer your badging platform for you.

Tailored to Your Needs

Our consulting services are tailored to the unique needs of each client, providing customized solutions that align with your programmatic goals.

With Expert Guidance

We help organizations optimize their resources by offering expert guidance and support in digital credentialing, allowing you to focus on your core objectives.

Start your Journey Today

Contact DCI today to explore digital badge partnership opportunities.