Designing Distinctive Digital Badges That Reflect Your Brand

A well-designed badge not only represents the achievement but also reflects the credibility and professionalism of the issuing organization. It serves as a visual representation of the skills and knowledge acquired.

Full Image Design

Design a line of Digital Badge images (3-4) specifically representing organization, compliant with institutional brand standards.

Our in-house graphic designer will work within your brand standards, utilizing your logo to design badge imagery that represents you.

All designs will be created to be easily modified as the program grows with minimal editing needed.

Options will be provided to allow for co-branding.

Badge imagery will align with organization badge taxonomy.

All finalized designs will be provided in raw format.

Custom Badge Designs to Elevate Your Brand: From Concept to Approval

Our team of talented designers will work closely with you to bring your badge image ideas to life. From the initial concept to the final design approval, we ensure that your badge image captures the essence of your program and represents your brand effectively.

Graphic Design Consult

Your organization’s graphic designer of choice will build the badge images.

Provide best practices digital badge image design document.

Three (3) sessions to meet with your graphic designer of choice to review designs and recommend options in digital badge design.


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Start your Journey Today

Contact DCI today to explore digital badge partnership opportunities.